Welcome to

Spine Care

Mr Neil Orpen MBChB FRCS (Ed) TR & Orth

Consultant Spinal Surgeon

This web site is aimed at providing useful information to patients seeking treatment of a spinal condition and to provide an insight into the treatments offered by Mr Orpen and the Centre For Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery. It may offer some useful information on common spinal conditions and allow the reader to get a better understanding of commonly confusing medical terminology.

Mr Orpen is a fellowship trained consultant spinal surgeon working in conjunction with other allied health professionals all with a specialist interest in the spine and conditions that lead to symptoms such as back pain/sciatica and neuropathic limb pain.

A full range of non-operative and operative therapy can be offered/discussed allowing patients to make their own choice as to the best solution for their condition. There is always a strict adherance to current standards of excellence and an evidence based approach to what treatment to consider. Mr Orpen will choose a minimally invasive surgical option if one is possible in all cases.

The British Spine Registry is a national registry allowing the reporting of all procedure outcomes and allowing careful longer term follow-up after patients have been discharged.

If you have had a procedure performed by Mr Orpen, this would have been discussed at the time and spine registry follow-up is monitored by email. This is a vital part of your care and it is very helpful to keep replying to these questionnaires when you have recovered. in the longer term it will prove useful if you ever return for other spine symptoms to review your spine registry record and may also be useful in convincing your insurance company when it comes to funding future treatment.

Consulting Rooms

The Ridgeway Hospital
Moormead Rd

Wroughton, Swindon



NHS & Private Secretary (Ridgeway)

Teresa Jackson

Tel: 01793 816006

Email Teresa

Berkshire Independent Hospital

Swallows Croft

Wensley Road



Private Secretary

Teresa Jackson

Tel: 01793 816006

Email Teresa

Welcome to

Spine Care

Mr Neil Orpen MBChB FRCS (Ed) TR & Orth

Consultant Spinal Surgeon

This web site is aimed at providing useful information to patients seeking treatment of a spinal condition and to provide an insight into the treatments offered by Mr Orpen. It may offer some useful information on common spinal conditions and allow the reader to get a better understanding of commonly confusing medical terminology.

Mr Orpen is a fellowship trained consultant spinal surgeon working in conjunction with other allied health professionals all with a specialist interest in the spine and conditions that lead to symptoms such as back pain/sciatica and neuropathic limb pain.

A full range of non-operative and operative therapy can be offered/discussed allowing patients to make their own choice as to the best solution for their condition. A number of procedures can be performed as day case surgery avoiding the need to stay in hospital over night. There is always a strict adherance to current standards of excellence and an evidence based approach to what treatment to consider.

The British Spine Registry is a national registry allowing the reporting of all procedure outcomes and allowing careful longer term follow-up after patients have been discharged.

If you have had a procedure performed by Mr Orpen, this would have been discussed at the time and spine registry follow-up is monitored by email. This is a vital part of your care and it is very helpful to keep replying to these questionnaires when you have recovered.

Consulting Rooms

The Ridgeway Hospital
Moormead Rd, Wroughton

Swindon, Wiltshire SN4 9DD

NHS & Private Secretary (Ridgeway)

Teresa Jackson

Tel: 01793 816006 or Email Teresa

Berkshire Independent Hospital

Swallows Croft, Wensley Road

Reading RG1 6UZ

Private Secretary (Berkshire)

Teresa Jackson

Tel: 01793 816006 or Email Teresa