Welcome to

Spine Care

Mr Neil Orpen MBChB FRCS (Ed) TR & Orth

Consultant Spinal Surgeon

Lumbar Microdiscectomy

This commonly performed procedure is indicated in the treatment of a lumbar disc prolapse or slipped disc. Micro- refers to the use of an operating microscope which has now become a routine way of performing this procedure as it is considered safer and allows the surgeon to minimise the size of the surgical wound. Microscopes are considered routine in spinal surgery and you should discuss with your surgeon whether an operating microscope is going to be used.


Disc prolapses occur commonly but in the vast majority of cases will resolve spontaneously within 8 weeks. When this does not occur or when the disc prolapse is associated with bladder or bowel symptoms, then Mr Orpen will offer a microdiscectomy. An MRI will always be performed prior to surgery (please see website article on disc prolapse)

Aims of Surgery

The main aim of surgery is alleviate pain in the leg (sciatica) and this occurs in excess of 90% of patients. Most experience immediate relief, although because the nerve is swollen, complete relief may take longer to occur and in approximately 5% of cases it may take up to 6 months to get the full benefit of surgery. If weakness or numbness is present, then this may take some time to recover and in many cases does not recover at all. Pins and needles/paraesthesia typically does respond to surgery but may take some time to resolve.


Prior to surgery, you will be seen in the pre-operative clinic and consent will be obtained and routine investigations including screening for MRSA. This will usually precede admission by a few days. You will be admitted to the ward on the day of surgery and will have an opportunity to discuss any concerns before you go to theatre with Mr Orpen.

Consulting Rooms

The Ridgeway Hospital
Moormead Rd

Wroughton, Swindon



NHS & Private Secretary (Ridgeway)

Teresa Jackson

Tel: 01793 816006

Email Teresa

Berkshire Independent Hospital

Swallows Croft

Wensley Road



Private Secretary

Teresa Jackspon

Tel: 01793 816006

Email Teresa

Consulting Rooms

The Ridgeway Hospital
Moormead Rd, Wroughton

Swindon, Wiltshire SN4 9DD

NHS & Private Secretary (Ridgeway)

Geraldine Jackson

Tel: 01793 816006 or Email Geraldine

Berkshire Independent Hospital

Swallows Croft, Wensley Road

Reading RG1 6UZ

Private Secretary (Berkshire)

Andrew Capel

Tel: 0118 902 8147 or Email Andrew